Animation Playbox / Back to Basics 10 - Interpolation Study Notes 1

Meaning - The insertion of something of a different nature into something else.

After Effects Interpolation
  • Temporal Interpolation (Time)
  • Spacial Interpolation (Space)
Study and Practice
Spacial Interpolation Practice

*Note - the first image looks really linear, maybe I made a mistake,
will experiment more...

Temporal Interpolation Study and Practice




Note: 'Bezier', and 'Continuous Bezier' - relate to how you control the 'control handles' on the points on the graph.

'Bezier' just moves one handle -

'Continuous Bezier' moves both - seems to be more smooth
Study Notes (from link above)

Auto Bezier interpolation

Auto Bezier interpolation creates a smooth rate of change through a keyframe. You may use Auto Bezier spatial interpolation to create the path of a car turning on a curving road.
As you change an Auto Bezier keyframe  value, the positions of Auto Bezier direction handles change automatically to maintain a smooth transition between keyframes. The automatic adjustments change the shape of the value graph or motion path segments on either side of the keyframe. If the previous and next keyframes also use Auto Bezier interpolation, the shape of the segments on the far side of the previous or next keyframes also changes. If you adjust an Auto Bezier direction handle manually, you convert it to a Continuous Bezier keyframe .
Auto Bezier is the default spatial interpolation.

Continuous Bezier interpolation

Like Auto Bezier interpolation, Continuous Bezier interpolation creates a smooth rate of change through a keyframe. However, you set the positions of Continuous Bezier direction handles manually. Adjustments you make change the shape of the value graph or motion path segments on either side of the keyframe.
If you apply Continuous Bezier interpolation to all keyframes of a property, After Effects adjusts the values at each keyframe to create smooth transitions. After Effects maintains these smooth transitions as you move a Continuous Bezier keyframe on either the motion path or the value graph.

A. Linear B. Auto Bezier C. Continuous Bezier D. Bezier E. Hold 

A. Linear B. Linear in, Hold out C. Auto Bezier D. Continuous Bezier or Bezier E. Linear in, Bezier out 

Made some progress with this. Some things have clicked in my head, some things have not. Need to memorise the symbols. Will study the graph editor next, hopefully things confusing me will become more clear. Bit by Bit.

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